Lyžařské školy ve Ski amadé

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Lyžařské kurzy pro malé i velké

Vyladit poslední detaily, které umožní perfektní zážitek na sjezdovkách, nebo absolvovat kurz pro začátečníky, během kterého si vyzkoušejí první obloučky na bílém zlatě: V lyžařských školách ve Ski amadé je o začátečníky i pokročilé, ale i o celé školní třídy skvěle postaráno. Kompetentní tým instruktorů lyžování a jízdy na snowboardu pomůže splnit každé přání.

Některý z hrdinů zimního sportu bude vždy u toho: Profíci v lyžařských školách umožní fantastický zážitek na sjezdovkách každému. Nabídka se vždy zcela přizpůsobí přáním hostů, od skupinového kurzu po rezervaci soukromé lekce. Možná vás zaujal i svět freestylu: Hlavní je, začít si na sněhu věřit a vyvinout si pocit jistoty na lyžích!

Best Learn2Ski amadé

Lyžování s certifikovanými profesionály v největším rakouském lyžařském ráji

S Best Learn2Ski amadé mají lyžaři všech věkových kategorií a úrovní lyžařských dovedností k dispozici certifikované profesionály jako instruktory. Nový certifikát uznává certifikované lyžařské školy a kromě nejlepší individuální podpory zaručuje pocit zdokonalení a úspěchu.

Zatímco „Bambini“ a „Junioři“ se učí lyžovat od nuly se spoustou zábavy, motto pro teenagery (od 12 let) zní „Bez limitů“. Bez rodičů, pod vedením pohodových trenérů, se zaměřují nejen na klasickou lyžařskou zábavu, ale také na učení se novým technikám a poznávání rozmanitého terénu. To znamená, že si můžete vyzkoušet jízdu v mogulu nebo skok na lyžích, stejně jako vyzkoušet lavinový vysílač.

Kurzy jsou nabízeny i pro dospělé, kteří s lyžováním začínají nebo se k němu vracejí, a také pro seniory, kteří mají rádi společné lyžování a lyžování pro zábavu. Nejdůležitější cíl všech kurzů: na konci je lyžař začátečník inspirovaný tím, že se na svahu baví.

Přehled všech lyžařských školy

Best Learn2Ski Partner

Learning to ski with guaranteed success is our motto. We'll get you on the piste quickly and safely with lots of fun. Experience pure winter fun with our highly trained ski instructors in our beautiful natural surroundings!

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish

Additional features:
Large children's ski area, children's ski lessons incl. lunch from 3 years of age

We don't just dream about lifestyle - WE LIVE IT!

Striving for the best service and the highest quality in our work spurs us on every day to inspire our customers! We are convinced that with the right amount of motivation and fun, your progress and success will come naturally!

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish

Best Learn2Ski Partner

We at the Reiteralm Ski School offer unforgettable winter fun with our highly trained team of ski and snowboard instructors. From the little beginners to the big pros, we always endeavour to pass on the joy of the sport with our know-how, so that nothing stands in the way of progress.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch

Additional features:
annual children's New Year's Eve torch relay

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The FUN & PRO ski school stands for the most professional start for children and adults. Those who learn right from the start will enjoy winter sports forever. Classic skiing from beginners to confident deep-snow skiers as well as clean carving and trendy slopestyle. Snowboarding from Basic I and II to Freestyle. Rupert Pichler and his team live and breathe winter sports.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch

Additional features:
Ski in - Ski out = the whole package from a single source: school, modern hire, sales, service and depots directly on the piste. Burton Riglet Park Partner.

Best Learn2Ski Partner

Learn to ski in the Ski amadé! Do you fancy an extraordinary winter sport in Flachau? Then the Sport am Jet ski school in Flachau is the right place for you. Our ski centre is located directly in the ski area on the mountain. We offer ski courses from the age of 3; youngguns for teenagers and adult courses.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish

Additional features:
Ski school on the mountain - ski hire, depot, service, shop from a single source

Guaranteed snow and plenty of space:

In perhaps the most beautiful valley head in the Salzburger Land, Sportgastein is sunny and has plenty of snow at up to 2700 meters above sea level. The wide slopes offer something for everyone, from pleasure skiers to sporty carvers. There are hardly any waiting times at the lift, just nice lift staff.

Where the children's area by Family Skischool GO! is placed, children learned to ski already 100 years ago. In this breathtaking mountain scenery not only beginners, but also advanced skiers are well looked after by professional ski and snowboard instructors.

Best Learn2Ski Partner

At the Kleinarl Ski and Snowboard School you experience everything in one. Your hosts Anna and Johannes. Club Pingo and Pingo Party. The first ski lesson and the personalised pro-private course. Multifaceted tips and tricks for the teens. And the very best ski instructors in the world in many languages. And then it's off to Schernthaner sports with hire, sales, service and depot. Right next to the valley station!

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish

Additional features:
Pingo Party: glitter tattoos, popcorn machine, magic shows and much more.

Best Learn2Ski Partner

Learning to ski with guaranteed success is our motto. We'll get you on the piste quickly and safely with lots of fun. Experience pure winter fun with our highly trained ski instructors in our beautiful natural surroundings!

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish

Additional features:
Large children's ski area, children's ski lessons incl. lunch from 3 years of age

Best Learn2Ski Partner

For perfect support during your holiday in St. Johann im Pongau, we have put together a professional team that is there for you with enthusiasm and passion. As a competent partner when it comes to winter sports, your well-being and an all-round successful ski course are important to us.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish

Additional features:
Pick-up & return service for children, ski school app for customers

Best Learn2Ski Partner

Whether skiing or snowboarding, whether beginner or advanced, whether for children or adults - the Maria Alm ski school guarantees you maximum learning success in 4 languages. enjoy winter sports in the wonderful ski area around the Hochkönig!

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days
Best Agers on Skis

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch, Danish

Additional features:
Guest kindergarten 

Best Learn2Ski Partner

The FUN & PRO ski school stands for the most professional start for children and adults. Those who learn right from the start will enjoy winter sports forever. Classic skiing from beginners to confident deep-snow skiers as well as clean carving and trendy slopestyle. Snowboarding from Basic I and II to Freestyle. Rupert Pichler and his team live and breathe winter sports.

Best Learn2Ski products:
Bambini on Skis
Juniors on Skis
Teens on Skis unlimited
Learn2Ski in 3 days

Language skills of the ski instructors:
German, English, Dutch

Additional features:
Ski in - Ski out = the whole package from a single source: school, modern hire, sales, service and depots directly on the piste. Burton Riglet Park Partner.